Novak Djokovic Test Positive For Coronavirus

Novak Djokovic Test Positive For Coronavirus
0 comments, 23/06/2020, by , in News, Tennis

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World Number Tennis icon, Novak Djokovic has tested positive for coronavirus in the wake of the Adria Tour events he helped organise in Serbia and Croatia this month, reports.

The world No 1 was the face behind the Adria Tour, a series of exhibition events that started in the Serbian capital and then moved to Zadar, Croatia, last weekend.

Djokovic says he and his wife Jelena, who also tested positive, are currently asymptomatic and will self-isolate

“The moment we arrived in Belgrade we went to be tested. My result is positive, just as Jelena’s, while the results of our children are negative,” Djokovic said.

He left Croatia after the final was cancelled and was tested in Belgrade, with that test now returning a positive result.

Djokovic said in a statement on his website: “I am extremely sorry for each individual case of infection. I hope that it will not complicate anyone’s health situation and that everyone will be fine.

“The moment we arrived in Belgrade we went to be tested. My result is positive, just as Jelena’s, while the results of our children are negative.

“Everything we did in the past month, we did with a pure heart and sincere intentions. Our tournament meant to unite and share a message of solidarity and compassion throughout the region.”

Grigor Dimitrov also tested positive for the virus, while Borna Coric – who played the Bulgarian on Saturday in Zadar – later confirmed that he too has tested positive.

Viktor Troicki and his pregnant wife have also returned positive test results after he played in the series.

The second event of a series of tournaments was held in Croatia, which eased lockdown rules and meant players did not have to socially distance with players hugging at the net, playing basketball, posing for pictures and attending press conferences together.

Djokovic added: “The tour has been designed to help both established and up and coming tennis players from southeastern Europe to gain access to some competitive tennis while the various tours are on hold due to the Covid-19 situation.

“It was all born with a philanthropic idea, to direct all raised funds towards people in need and it warmed my heart to see how everybody strongly responded to this.

“We organised the tournament at the moment when the virus has weakened, believing that the conditions for hosting the tour had been met.

“Unfortunately, this virus is still present, and it is a new reality that we are still learning to cope and live with.

“I am hoping things will ease with time so we can all resume lives the way they were.”

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