NFF Corruption: Panicky Pinnick, Diko, Sanusi, Seek Refuge In Court

NFF Corruption: Panicky Pinnick, Diko, Sanusi, Seek Refuge In Court


By Harrison Jalla

Buoyed by unflinching support from the Attorney General and Minister of Justice of the Federation, Abubakar Malami who has been alleged to have been heavily induced alongside the late former chief of staff to the President by top officials of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) to cover their tracks on the several Billions of Naira and Millions of United States Dollars reportedly looted from the NFF treasury.

The AGF having failed with all intense pressure on the Chairman of the ICPC to hand over the investigation of the NFF top officials to the DSS including failed attempts by Pinnick, Dikko, and Sanusi to use prominent Nigerians including powerful traditional rulers to get the ICPC chairman to back down.

Playing the Ostrich, they have disingenously drag the ICPC to a federal high court in Abuja with the intent to deliberately muddling waters to cover up acts of blatant corruption and direct stealing from the NFF treasury, hiding under a Bizarre and procured ruling handed down by Hon. Justice Ijeoma Ojukwu in charge NO. FHC/ABJ/CR/93/2019: FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA Vs AMAJU MELVIN PINNICK & 4  OTHERS on the 15th day of November 2019, that ridiculously and purportedly discharged and acquitted the accused persons with a  warrant of arrest hanging on their necks  who were never formally arraigned before any court of competent Jurisdiction.

The office of the AGF being an accomplice in this stage-managed ruling never made any move as at today to set this spurious ruling aside.

The National Association of Nigeria Footballers (NANF) in a petition dated 09-12-2019 has dragged Hon. Justice Ijeoma Ojukwu before the National Judicial Council (NJC) for alleged professional misconduct and the NJC through its chairman and chief Justice of the federation in his response dated 30th January 2020, assured the NANF that action is being taken.

Pinnick and his gang want to muscle the ICPC as they did to the defunct Special Presidential Investigative Panel (SPIP) led by Obono Obla.

In all honesty it is only the ICPC that has done a clinical investigation of the corruption in the NFF, Pinnick and his gang know this too well and they are desperately bent on pulling down the agency.

Pinnick with the support of the AGF also procured another bizarre ruling through Hon. Justice Peter Affen in charge NO.FCT/HC/CR/324/2018: FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA Vs CHRISTOPHER ANDEKIN & OTHERS. The ruling simply assert that Principal officers of the NFF who authorized and sent junior staffers by proxy to allegedly loot the Nigeria football treasury for their benefit should not be prosecuted, therefore refused the application for amendment brought by the EFCC to join principal officers of the NFF.

The Justice Affen’s ruling was handed down on february 20th, 2020. Hon. Justice Affen is also being dragged to the  National Judicial Council (NJC) for perceived professional misconduct by NANF.

These are the pranks being played   by Amaju Pinnick, Shehu Dikko, and Mohammed Sanusi to evade Justice with enormous cost at the expense of the NFF. is not responsible for the content of this report

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