RELIEF: CAS Reduces Samson Siasia’s Life-ban To Five Years

RELIEF: CAS Reduces Samson Siasia’s Life-ban To Five Years

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Agency Report

Former Nigeria coach Samson Siasia’s life-ban from football for bribery has been reduced to five years by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (Cas).

Samson Siasia coached Nigeria as they won bronze at the 2016 Olympics in Rio.

The 53-year-old was initially sanctioned in 2019 by Fifa for agreeing to “receive bribes in relation to the manipulation of matches.”

Siasia appealed against the ban with football’s governing body and Cas as he denied the charges against him.

Cas “determined the imposition of a life ban to be disproportionate for a first offence which was committed passively and which had not had an adverse or immediate effect on football stakeholders, and that a five-year ban would still achieve the envisaged aim of punishing the infringement committed by Mr Siasia.”

The ban has been backdated to start on 16 August 2019 as the court explained the background to the case.

“In 2010, a match fixer tried to involve Mr Siasia as a coach of a club under his strict instructions,” Cas revealed.

“With the promise of employment benefits, Mr Siasia would have had to always field several players under the control of the match fixer.

“The negotiations between the match fixer and Mr Siasia in relation to the conditions of employment were conducted by email over a period of two months.

“Eventually, the club did not accept or could not afford Mr Siasia’s requests and the negotiations ended.”

The court also cancelled a fine of CHF 50,000 (US$50,000) that had also been part of the sanctions imposed by Fifa.

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