2022 NOC Election: Turning Tantrums Into Triumphs For Nigeria Sports …Engr Gumel Sets Agenda For New NOC

2022 NOC Election: Turning Tantrums Into Triumphs For Nigeria Sports …Engr Gumel Sets Agenda For New NOC

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By Amaechi Agbo

On Thursday, December 15, the existing order is expected to be maintained as the Nigeria Olympic Committee’s elective congress holds in Jalingo, Taraba State capital. Over 30 presidents of various sports federations in the country and other key stakeholders will gather to elect a new board into office to oversee the affairs of the committee in the next four years.

Incumbent President, Engr Habu Ahmed Gumel, a man whose stewardship has reinvigorated Nigerian sports at the global scene with verifiable antecedent, is standing for re-election. Many believe that his experience and connection will usher Nigeria into the global sports podium with continued infrastructural rebirth and human capital regeneration.

Not uncharacteristic of a momentous political space, Engr Habu Ahmed Gumel’s decision to seek another term in office led to some self-seeking individuals to cast aspersions on his long standing integrity and track record of development in Nigeria sports under his watch. 
Despite provocative biles churned out by those who are shouting “emi lokan” (it is our turn) forget so soon that Engr Habu Ahmed Gumel’s legacies stand out and put him in propelling drive for another term in office. 

As a leader focused in delivering more to Nigerian sports, Engr Gumel believes that after the election, there would be NOC to fix and Nigeria sports to streamline in order to keep raising the bar in global sports 
Speaking in an exclusive interview over the weekend, Engr Habu Ahmed Gumel told our correspondent that his age, connection and experience is key in improving the fortunes of Nigeria in global sports 

“With my age, connection and experience, it’s helping the development of sports and Olympic Movement in Nigeria. I have connection in IOC and international organisations, the experience I have is helping the country and Olympic Movement in Nigeria,” he started before he enumerated his programmes after the election as he hopes to be returned.

New ANOCA Secretariat in Abuja, Nigeria built under the leadership of Engr . Habu Ahmed Gumel

“Election is election and this is not the first time NOC is conducting election m we have conducted elections many times. I believe it will go successfully. Candidates have put their papers, the voters will decide who will be what. I don’t see any problem as far as I am concerned. 
“I have many programmes I want to execute if I am elected. For instance, within the short term we are going to change our constitution. Many people have been complaining about it and it is high time we began to look at it. Change of construction takes time, you have to go to the IOC level but I intend to do that.

“Another key aspect of my programmes is marketing. We will try to raise money through marketing to help the NOC and national federations. Government cannot do it alone. The governments are doing their best, the ministry is doing its best to support the federations and we on our side will use our marketing tools to generate money so that we will be able to complement what the government is doing because it is a joint responsibility.'”

He explained how he fought to bring the headquarters of Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa into Nigeria. 
“ANOCA headquarters was in Cameroon for about 25 years. Later it was advertised to change the headquarters. I singlehandedly lobbied from South Korea and during elections in Kenya, I was there alone. There was election and Nigeria was chosen. I had the support of the government then during Obasanjo (Olusegun) regime. Nigeria is the headquarters of Olympics Movement for Africa. All the National Olympic Committees in Africa are affiliated to ANOCA. 

“They give their submission to every session of the IOC through ANOCA. It is a great achievement. Unfortunately we don’t have members in international federations from Nigeria,they are just few – maybe four or five – which is not right. National federations must interface with their confederation, international bodies to know their members and attend their congress. We need more and more people at international level because that is where the sports politics is played. to streamline

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