What Will Happen If Any English Team Win The Champions League?

What Will Happen If Any English Team Win The Champions League?

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Uefa changed some rules for qualification last year – starting with this season’s tournaments.

So this is what will happen when an English runner club wins the Champions league:

Half of the Champions League semk-finalists – Tottenham and Liverpool – are English, meaning there is a decent chance of one of them winning the tournament.

If a team become European champions and finish in the top four of the Premier League, then only four English teams go into next season’s Champions League. The ‘extra’ group stage spot would go to the Austrian champions, who otherwise need to go through qualifying as Uefa’s 11th-ranked league.

For example, In 2012 Tottenham finished fourth but missed out because Chelsea won the Champions League.

Under the current rules, Spurs would have qualified.

However, if an English team wins the Champions League and finish outside the Premier League’s top four, then five English teams will go into next season’s group stage.

This can be a real possibility for United and Spurs.

There is no Champions League spot for the beaten finalists. Liverpool would not have qualified this year had they not finished in the 2017-18 top four.

There can only be a maximum of five teams from one country in the Champions League. So that causes a bit of a mess if an English team win both European competitions – and neither finish in the top four.

In that case the Premier League’s fourth-placed team would not qualify for the Champions League and instead would drop into the Europa League group stages.

This season, it is likely both the tournament winners would finish in the top six – because seventh-placed Leicester City are 14 points adrift. That would mean the top three in the Premier League, plus the two European champions would qualify for the Champions League.

There would only be two Europa League spots – for the team who finish fourth in the Premier League and the FA Cup winners (or the seventh-placed Premier League team if City win the cup).

The following examples are highly unlikely unless Leicester or teams below them catch up 14 or 15 points in the final five or six games.

If a season ever occurred when English teams won the Champions League and Europa League – and neither of them qualified for Europe through the league – there would be NINE Premier League teams in Europe (five in the Champions League and four in the Europa League).

If one of them qualified for Europe and the other did not, then there would be five teams in the Champions League and three in the Europa League.


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