REVEALED: Why Sports Ministry Stayed Away From NFF/Stakeholders Meeting

REVEALED: Why Sports Ministry Stayed Away From NFF/Stakeholders Meeting


By Our Correspondent

In a twist of move Thursday, the ministry of youth and sports , stayed away from the Nigeria Football Federation meeting with stakeholders in Nigeria football to take a final decision on how to conclude the 2019/2020 Nigeria Professional Football League Season, reports.

The sports ministry distanced itself from the meeting on the last minutes despite being in the plans for the video conference meeting.

The sports minister, Sunday Dare in tweet on Sunday said that the ministry is consulting with relevant individuals in the sector on the beat decision to end the league.

The meeting was called on Monday following sequel to NPFL club owners decision Sunday to abort the league season adopting Point Per Game, PPG system to decide the country’s continental representatives.

Permanent Secretary of the ministry, Gabriel Aduda said the ministry distanced itself from the meeting in order to give the participated need liberty to discuss issues on the agenda.
Aduda however said that the ministry is waiting for briefings on the outcome of the meeting.

“Wish to state clearly that it was not part of the meeting of the Nigeria Football  Federation, club owners  and other  stakeholders  convened to decide on how best to end the ongoing season which was put on hold due to the outbreak  of  Covid-19 pandemic.

“The Minister had directed the NFF to come up with the best possible options to end the league in line with the spirit of fair play and justice.
According  to a statement  by the permanent  Secretary, Ministry  of Youth and Sports Development Mr. Gabriel Aduda

“Following a virtual  meeting Presided over  by  the Honourable  Minister on Monday, the Ministry  directed  that an enlarged  meeting of the stakeholders  should be convened to deliberate, agree and find a way forward   and NFF should revert to the Ministry.  Although the Ministry  was invited, it decided to exclude itself to enable the  stakeholders thrash out the critical issues  and revert to the Ministry”

Aduda further informed that “The Ministry  awaits the final decision  of the meeting  communicated  to it officially after which it would confer with the necessary  authorities to make a final  pronouncement  on the league

“The final decision  on the league would be guided by the Covid-19 protocols and infrastructure.
The Minister had taken a bold decision  by advising the Federal  government  to postpone the Edo National Sports Festival   earlier scheduled for March  20th – April 1st  2020 due to the Pandemic,” he said.

17 out of 20 club owners Sunday voted for the cancellation of the league.

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