Contact Sports To Resume In Two Weeks

Contact Sports To Resume In Two Weeks

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By Amaechi Agbo

There are indications that contact sports will resume in Nigeria before the end of the month, can report

The Minister of Youth and Sports Development Sunday Dare who expressed this hope Thursday said contact sports will soon resume in the country under strict protocols as recommended by the Presidential Task Force (PTF) on COVID-19.

The minister disclosed this after the unveiling of the National Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Hub (BredHub) in Abuja

He said the ministry was working closely with the PTF to ensure contact sports resumes in the country under strict COVID-19 protocols.

“As we see gradual opening up of different sector of the economy, we have prepared a post COVID-19 protocols.

“We hope in the next two weeks, contact sports will return subject to the strict adherence to the COVID-19 protocols,” he said.

Dare stressed that the ministry will be properly guided as various sporting events gradually returns to the country following the ban as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

It could be recalled that sporting activities were suspended in Nigeria in March following the outbreak of covid-19 in the country in February.

However, few weeks ago, the federal government gave approval for reopening of non-contact sports.

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