Players Union Sends Appreciation Letter To Otedola On Ex Players’ Treatment

Players Union Sends Appreciation Letter To Otedola On Ex Players’ Treatment

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By Akeem Busari

The National Association of Nigeria Professional Footballers, NANPF, affiliated to NFF and TUC, ably led by its President , Nigeria ex international Tijani Babaginda (MON), has sent a letter of appreciation on behalf of all Nigeria Footballers, home and abroad to express its unreserved gratitude to appreciation business mogul, Femi Otedola for intervening and by taking care of the medical bills and other logistics associated with the ongoing treatment of former Nigeria internationals ,Christian Chukwu and Peter Fregene.

In the letter signed by the union’s General Secretary, Austin Popo, it described the philanthropist’s actions as timely and life-saving.

“We recall the visit your representatives made to Peter Fregene’s house in Sapele, on the 23rd of May 2019, following media report of his ailing condition.
“It gladdens our hearts that you also instructed that he be airlifted from the airport in Benin to Lagos on Friday, June 14th where he is currently receiving medical attention at the Reddington hospital in Ikoyi, Lagos State.

“This is not the first time you would be extending your generosity to footballers. We recall your swift reaction and intervention when the ailing health condition of former Captain of the National Team, the Green Eagles, Chairman Christian Chukwu was also widely reported in the media. It’s on record that in April, you donated $50,000 for the medical treatment of ex-footballer and coach, Christian Chukwu in a UK hospital, ” the letter read in parts.
Continuing, it went ahead to inform the boss of Forte Oil Company, of the union’s plans, in conjunction with other major stakeholders in the industry, is to launch the “Nigeria Footballers Welfare Trust Fund” as part of its Social Security Mechanism to guarantee the lives and future of both current and former Nigeria Players.
Adding that the union earnestly look forward to receiving maximum support from the business mogul, when the time comes.

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