Why FCT should Leverage On 2019 NYG performance For 2020 Sports Festival

Why FCT should Leverage On 2019 NYG performance For 2020 Sports Festival


By Amaechi Agbo.

In the recently concluded 2019 National Youth Games, NYG, Team FCT recorded one of her best outings in the 5th editon of the games held at University of Ilorin, Kwara State.

Team FCT, despite encountering huge avoidable obstacles such as lack of timely release of fund for the contingents to near absence of welfare packages, rose beyond all hurdles and made a podium finish as the 7th best youth athletic state in the country.

This feat is not only commendable but also deserving a huge reception and recognition by the FCT Minister, Mohammed Bello.

All though unconfirmed reports have it that the minister is not ‘sports friendly’, it is pertinent to emphasis that the near abadnonment suffered by the Team FCT in Ilorin and the accolade so achieved is a testament that FCT can challenge and overthrow the ‘estbalished’ states such as Lagos, Delta, Edo, Rivers, to name but a few, as one of the best grassroots sporting development states in the country.

The 7th finish of Team FCT is a huge statement to the FCT minister and all stakeholders in the federal capital that with the right attitude and greater commitment on the part of the authorities, FCT athletes and coaches, most of who are not even indigens of the area, are willing and ready to mostly end the podium on high years to come as the number one state in sports in the federation.

It will also not be out of place to emphasis that the treatment meted out to Team FCT at Ilorin should, by all means, be avoided as the FCT prepares for the 2020 National Sports Festival, NSF due to commence in Benin, Edo State capital in the first quarter or early second quarter of next year.

Abuja finished seventh on the medals table with 21 gold, 9 silver and 24 bronze and it is the views of this writer that early preparations, early release of funds as well as effective and efficient motivational packages for the athletes and officials, are key factors that will propel FCT to greater heights and finish in Edo 2020.

It is instructive to state that the authorities should ensure that the athletes commence camping early enough for effective performance.

The 20th edition of the NSF in Benin provides an ample opportunity for Team FCT to take the country by storm but the fire brigade approach by the FCT minister as well as other stakeholders’ inactive involvements could provide unwelcome setback for the budding talents in the federal capital.

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