Mario Balotelli Wants To Play In African League

Mario Balotelli Wants To Play In African League


After being sacked over the weekend by Brescia, former Manchester City striker, Mario Balotelli has expressed his desire to play in an Africa league where he feels he can have rest of mind.

Balotelli noted that he will leave European Leagues and go to African oo South American leagues where he would have affinity and sense of brotherhood adding that he has lost passion in Europe.

“My next move should be out of Europe. I should be off to Africa or South America. At least there I have something in common with people. My skin will be healed from all abuse it has suffered.

“I won’t go there to play for big money, it’s more about fresh air and mind relaxing. In Europe I have lost passion. Even going to training is a burden. Money aside, happiness forward.”

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