“You Represent A Terrorist Government, You Should Be Ashamed Of Yourself”: Full Conversation Between Super Falcons And A Man Who Ambushed Them On A Train In Austria, USA

“You Represent A Terrorist Government, You Should Be Ashamed Of Yourself”: Full Conversation Between Super Falcons And A Man Who Ambushed Them On A Train In Austria, USA

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… Your President is kidnapping, Killing youths.

By Amaechi Agbo

Nigeria’s National senior female football team, the Super Falcons were Tuesday assaulted, harassed by an unidentified man while on train.

The man who said he is a Nigerian and spoke English and Hausa languages challenged the ladies for taking part in a national assignment in support of a “terrorist government.”

It was gathered that the team who have been in Austrian capital sisn e Thursday preparing for upcoming international engagements, opted to have a view of the city after their morning training, and decided on public transport to the city centre.

“I want to speak with you people, please. I am also a Nigerian. I live in Vienna for some many years and you people are representing a terrorist Organisation, a terrorist government,” the unknown man started after he had drawn attention of the team

“You Nigerian youths should be very ashamed of yourselves. Everyone of you here. This can’t happen in another country that their youths are representing. Over 10 million Nigeria youths are abroad, doing nothing.

“And you people who are supposed to know the truth are representing a terrorist group called Buhari, kidnapping, killing youths.”

When one of the team’s officials wanted to interject, he asked him to ‘”keep quiet Mr man’. I am talking and am not causing any problem.”

At this point, the players started responding asking him to stop what he was doing but he threatened to call the police on them insisting that he would not stop the video recording.

“Anyone who touches me will get the attention of the police, this is Vienna Austria not a third world country.

“You are more than a f***er. You are representing a government which are killing their people. You cannot be ashamed of yourself.”

When coach Randy Waldrum sought to ask him a question, he shut him down asking him to go away.

“I am living in Vienna. I pay my tax. So I am calling on you i***ts, go back home, don’t represent…(he was interrupted)

“Lekki People were killed. Over 200 youth were killed in Lekki Peninsula and you are representing a terrorist organisation, calling yourselves Super Eagles (Super Falcons). You should be ashamed of yourselves, everyone of you.

“I am making this video, you touch me, you are in pain. Don’t touch my legs. If you touch me…”

A voice from the rear asked him to put up his mask which he did and continued but changed to Hausa language momentarily.

“You don’t understand what the suffering youths are going through and you are representing a terrorist organisation. You should be the ones to fight for your youths. You should be the ones to fight for everyone…(there where talks and reactions from the team) before the man continued.

“I played for Julius Berger. The corruption in the country brought me here and I am here suffering. You who should stand for your rights are conivying with terrorist organisation to represent the government which is killing the people.

“Look at Super Eagles, you call your name Super Eagles- Falcons; you should be ashamed of yourselves, everyone of you.”

A player asked him ‘What are you doing to change the system?’

“This is what I am doing to change the system. I am doing it to change you people who don’t know what it is to fight for your country. You are living in a country where the president is a kidnapper – kidnapping and killing its citizens.

When the players asked to know him he flashed the phone he was using to video the moment over his face and continued now talking to one of the coaches.

“Don’t touch me. Don’t touch me here , police will wait for you. I don’t disturb you, I am free to protest.

”Are you attacking….(a voices was saying but he interjected) I don’t attack anybody. I have my video. I never touched anybody.

When Coach Waldrum intervened again and told him that what he was doing was not allowed, the man said “No. It is allowed,” before he lashed at the team again saying “You are criminals, idiots…you idiots, you should be ashamed of yourself. If you have conscience, you stand by the truth,” he said in a 6 minutes, 27 seconds video trending online.

Reacting to the development, the Nigeria Football Federation, NFF vowed to unmask the man who harassed the national team.

“We are infuriated because these are young ladies who are our ambassadors and are there in Austria preparing for major international competitions. That was a dastardly act by that fellow and we are not
taking it lightly. The girls simply wanted to go on sightseeing and there is nothing wrong with that. They do not deserve to be subjected to such diatribe by a so-called fellow Nigerian,” NFF boss, Amaju Pinnick said.

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